Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do More With Less With Your Marketing Communications

In an economy like this one, all too many companies try to do less with less. They dig in and cut back, while their competition steams ahead. They put that great idea on hold. And when the recession ends -- as it always inevitably does -- they are behind the eight-ball.

Someone once said, "There are no challenges, just opportunities." That doesn't mean that the opportunities can't be merged with the realities of today's market. It just means that just because times are lean, you don't need to sacrifice your hard-earned market share. Here's how:

1. Work with an established freelancer instead of a full-fledged ad agency: In an economic downturn like this, many writers are new to the freelance market and haven't proven themselves quite yet. So the key word is "established". A freelancer can cost far less than a Madison Avenue shop. FAR less.

2. Get social: It's time to get involved in the online conversation. Register your company on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Del.i.cious and others and gain visibility.

3. Stand out in the industry: Don't rely on the same old elevator noise -- "results, quality, service." Ask yourself what your key differentiators are. What makes you better than your competitors? Why do clients and customers keep coming back to you? How would you sell yourself if you were sitting across from a client? Make sure this is communicated throughout your marketing communications.

4. Above all else, don't give up on your marketing goals because resources are scarcer: Many writers, designers, and other professionals will work with you to accommodate your budget, with the expectation of building a relationship. Be sure to ask if prices are negotiable. Within reason, they usually are.

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